Hey there!
Whether you're seeking therapy services for the first time or the millionth time...
You've got this!
You rock for even just clicking on my page!
Let's get you back on the path you set out for yourself. We all can get a little lost along the way.
I pride myself on the level of encouragement and ownership I help my clients achieve in session. When the heaviness you've been holding onto is lifted off your shoulders you feel more you, able to get back to the joy you once had. If you've been experiencing excessive amounts of worry, intense emotions that are out of control, or high stress due to life's constant demands, you are in the right place.
And just so you know, therapy is not a sign of weakness.
It's a sign of incredible strength. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
One of my ultimate goals in therapy is to make everyone feel welcome. When you step into my room you can breathe lighter knowing that you are not in this alone. Reassurance, guidance, and patience are essential to finding the relief you so eagerly want to get back.
I am here every step of the way to check in, reflect, and help you work towards positive change.
Aislinn Mayes
Child, Teen & Adult Therapist
in the Lake Norman Area
Telehealth Therapist in
North Carolina,
South Carolina & Florida

Regain Control Over Your Life
Let's get rid of the toxic, heavy emotions wreaking havoc on your mind and let's work on gaining back your sense of peace
Have you ever felt like any of these? ​
You wake up and immediately just want to stay in bed all day.
You feel numb to everything, even the exciting moments.
Putting things off is your new go-to and your motivation has tanked.
You can't shut your mind off from all the responsibilities you have.
You've pushed family and friends away because of your moods.
Heavy emotions are your new side-kick.
You get angry very easily and don't know how to come down from the rage.
If so, I’m here to help.

Who I Work With:
I have experience working in these areas with youth & adults:
Anger Management
Children (K-12th grade)
College Transitions
Life Skills
Organization & Time Management
Grief & Loss
Relationship Concerns
School Issues
Life Changes
Self Esteem
Please contact to set up an appointment
or call for a free 15 minute phone consultation
Mon 11:30am-6pm
Tues: 11:30am-6pm
Wed: 3:00-8pm
Thurs: 11:30am-6pm
Fri: 10am-1pm (virtual)
If there is an emergency during non-business hours please call 911 or visit your local hospital. You can also call 988 for the National Crisis and Suicide Hotline.

Contact Aislinn
Exit 30 on I77
706 Northeast Dr
Unit 1
Davidson, NC 28036